Did you know that we are literally giving away all our songs and albums for free?

All you need to do is to download them is to

And not only you help us promote your favorite music, you also receive what you really deserve: FREE MUSIC.

Sign Up OR Sign In OR Authorize Free Music Circle App on Facebook
It's simple and free. Use your existing Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook, AOL or any other openID account and bypass the singup step and start immediately. Free Music Circle App provides all the functionalities you need to download your free songs and albums without even having log in!

Start downloading free MP3 songs using your facebook, google, yahoo or openID account ...

Via 3rd party (recommended)   How It Works


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In Ulternix Records Special Promotion Program or by Using Free Music Circle on Facebook

You won’t even need to sign up. Simply use your facebook, yahoo, gmail or myspace account! START NOW!


* You should either authorize and log into Free Music Circle or log into Ulternix-Records.com/promo to download your songs.


Upon starting, you will receive a free MP3 song! We're literally giving all our songs and albums away.
You won't even need to sign up. Simply log in using your existing yahoo, facebook, gmail or openId account.



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RSS Feed
Wednesday, June 21, 2023:
Ulternix Records' production "Ye Shab Ba To", the latest release by Andy Madadian.

Monday, May 4, 2020:
Atlanteex' "Online Love Affair" is now available as part of Go Deejay Dance Selection

Sunday, August 12, 2018:
The Free Music Circle app on facebook has been updated to be aligned with the recent changes in Facebook APIs

Saturday, January 7, 2017:
Vyck Vyo's Angelina among other hits in Italo Disco compilation release by ZYX Records in Germany

Wednesday, November 9, 2011:
Download all the songs of "Atlanteex" and "Vyck Vyo" FOR FREE

Wednesday, November 9, 2011:
2nd Version of Ulternix Records Special Promotion Program is now officially released

Thursday, August 12, 2010:
Connect to Ulternix Records and its artists at different social networking websites

Tuesday, August 10, 2010:
Watch the first music videos of Atlanteex in HD

Wednesday, March 31, 2010:
Final shots of Atlanteex' music video were filmed in Brisbane

Sunday, September 13, 2009:
The new mixes for video production have been completed
Home > Frequently Asked Questions  

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the "Special Promotion Program" or SPP?

Special Promotion Program is a reward program that has been designed to encourage fans to recommend our music to their friends and receive free music downloads as their reward.
In this program, the number of "recommendations" that a user sends to their friends is used as currencies that can be converted into permanent download tickets.
Joining the program, inviting friends, liking our facebook pages and registering CDs are the ways that users can increase their "recommendations" by.
Whenever users want to create download tickets, some of their gathered recommendations are "spent" or "converted" for the creation of such download tickets.
This program has been implemented as a web-based application (accessible at /SPPMembers/) as well as a facebook application (Free Music Circle at http://apps.facebook.com/freemusiccircle/ ) which provides the same functionalities on facbook.

What is "Special Promotion Program Web App"?

Special Promotion Program Web App is a web-based system (accessible at /SPPMembers/) which manages all the activities of the Special Promotion Program members and provides them with functionalities to recommend our artists to others, like our facebook pages, create referral URLs, register CDs and create download tickets.

What is "Free Music Circle"?

Free Music Circle is a facebook application (available at http://apps.facebook.com/freemusiccircle/) that provides the functionalities of the Special Promotion Program Web Application on facebook.
These functionalities include

  • Managing user recommendations and download tickets
  • Liking our facebook pages
  • Recommending our artists and music to your facebook friends
  • Recommending our artists and music to your friends by email
  • Recommending our artists and music to your friends via a referral hyperlink
  • Registering CDs
  • Creating download tickets and downloading music files in MP3 and ZIP formats
What are "Special Promotion Program Recommendations"?

In Ulternix Records' special promotion program, "recommendations" are just like the currencies that can be "gained" by the user and "spent" or "converted" into permanent download tickets.
Users can gather recommendations by

  • Singing up with the special promotion program at /SPPMembers/ (or authorizing Free Music Circle application on facebook)
  • Liking our facebook pages
  • Recommending our artists and music to their facebook friends
  • Recommending our artists and music to their friends by email
  • Recommending our artists and music to their friends via a referral hyperlink
  • Registering the registrable CDs they buy

Users can also create permanent download tickets by spending their gathered recommendations and enjoy free songs and albums, some of which are exclusive to the members of the special promotion program.

What are "Registrable" Releases?

"Registrable Releases" are those releases that carry a unique "Special Promotion Program ID" on each copy of their physical CD.
These releases are the ones which you can register their "Special Promotion Program IDs" at http://www.ulternix-records.com/RegisterCD.aspx and receive some "Special Promotion Program Recommendations" instead, which you can later convert into permanent download tickets, as the reward of your support for buying our CDs.

What are "Special Promotion Program Releases"?

"Special Promotion Program Releases" are those releases which members of the special promotion program or those who authorize Free Music Circle on facebook, can download FOR FREE via converting some of their gathered "recommendations" into permenant download tickets.
Some of these releases are NOT sold and are MERELY and EXCLUSIVELY given away to the members of the Special Promotion Program.

How can I increase my Special Promotion Program Recommendations to download more songs/albums?

There are three different ways to increase your Special Promotion Program Recommendations after singing up:

  • Liking our facebook pages
  • Recommending our artists and music to your facebook friends
  • Recommending our artists and music to your friends by email
  • Recommending our artists and music to your friends via a referral hyperlink
  • Registering the registrable CDs you buy
I am not able to send invitation emails to all my friends. Is there another way to invite others and receive Special Promotion Program Recommendations to download more songs/albums?

Yes, of course.

  • You can also recommend us to your friends on facebook ,You can also recommend us to your friends on facebook , or,
  • You can email them or share your them, which you can find at Referral URL Page, but if you use this method of invitation, you only receive Special Promotion Program Recommendations if they accept your invitation and sign up in the program. Simply there's no other way we can detect the effectiveness of this method of promotion by you. 

Unlike this scheme, if you send invitation emails via our web-based system, or if you recommend us to your facebook friends, you will receive the special promotion recommendations no matter they join the program or not, however, the email address you enter MUST be a real and correct one otherwise you will not earn any recommendations.
If the invitation email is bounced with an error to our servers, you will lose the Special Promotion Program Recommendations that you have earned by that invitation email, even if the error is detected long after you have earned and spent the recommendations! Yes, your recommendations could be a negative number!
You can choose to include your email address or exclude it, if you don't want your email address to be a part of the referral URLs.

Can I send the invitation emails to any domain names?

As mentioned in the terms and conditions, at any time, Ulternix may exclude or ban certain domain names from the Special Promotion Program according to the policies and the effectiveness of sending invitation emails to them. Usually, you get informed of what domains you can send emails to at the invitation page!

How can I skip the signup process and log in via my 3rd party OpenID account?

In addition to being able to sign up with Ulternix Records Special Program at /JoinSPP/, those who wish to join the program and enjoy the benefits may also use their existing 3rd party OpenID accounts and bypass the signup step.
When using OpenID accounts to log into Ulternix Special Promotion Program web application at /SPPMembers/, the users are first redirected to the login page of their selected authentication provider and after logging in and authorizing our web application to receive your email address from your authentication provider, the users are redirected back to our web application.
According to OpenID standard, your password is safe with your authentication provider and won't passed it to 3rd party applications like ours. Upon being redirected back to our web application, if needed, a new Ulternix-Records.com account is created for the user, and then the user is logged into the special promotion program web application using that account.
Therefore, any of the authentication methods (either OpenID or Ulternix Records account) ends up with the creation of an Ulternix Records account, which will be used to manage recommendations and download tickets.

What if I had created an Ulternix Records account at the sign up page before. Can I still use the same email address and 3rd party OpenID authentication? How about using the same email address but with different OpenID providers?

Good question. The answer is YES. It's the email address that is the real criterion to differentiate accounts from each other. So if you use your email address to sign into facebook, OR, use the same email address to sign into for example yahoo, by trying to log into special promotion program via OpenID and with the same email address through either of facebook or yahoo, you will end up with the same Ulternix Records account, the same recommendations and the same download tickets. In other words, our system will detect that it's the same person with the same email address. So you can actually use different OpenID providers with the same email address to log into your Ulternix Records account for that email address.
Imagine you had signed up with the special promotion program by your email address AnEmailAddress@Yahoo.com. Obviously, your email address is verified before your account is activated. Now some time later, you can skip the login process and use Yahoo Open ID authentication with the same email address and you will be logged into Ulternix-Records.com successfully and all your gathered recommendations and created download tickets will be there, as long as you log into your yahoo account through our OpenID authentication negotiation process successfully.

If I use my 3rd party OpenID account in order to log into the special promotion program web app, which results in the creation of an Ulternix Records account, can I use my Ulternix Records account directly?

Of course yes.
No matter you sign up for an Ulternix Records account or use your 3rd party OpenID account to log in, always an Ulternix Records account is created for you and its credentials are emailed to your email address, unless your OpenID authentication provider does not pass your email address to our system. However, if you use your OpenID account to log in, a random password is chosen for the Ulternix Records account that is created for you.
At any moment, you can use your email address and the password that have been emailed to you in order to log into the special promotion program web app. You may also try changing or resetting your password at www.Ulternix-Records.com/SPPMembers/AccountSettings.aspx or www.Ulternix-Records.com/RecoverPassword.

I can log into the Special Promotion Program Web App by my email address or my OpenID account and later, in order to invite my facebook freidnds, I can log into facebook using a totally different facebook email address? Which account will finally receive benefits? How are the recommendations managed?

All the recommendations gained, either in the special promotion program web application at /SPPMembers/ or in Free Music Circle facebook application, is always assigned to the Ulternix Records user account.
As mentioned in the OpenID authentication process, every login method ends up with the creation of an Ulternix Records account (if needed), no matter an OpenID account is used.
If a user has already signed in Ulternix Records special promotion program web application through OpenID or through an Ulternix Records account, all the recommendations that the user will gather by inviting their friends on facebook or liking our facebook pages (after logging into facebook) will be assigned to the Ulternix Records account by which the user has already signed in, not the facebook account.
For those users who start using Free Music Circle without first logging into the special promotion program web application at www.Ulternix-Records.com/SPPMembers/, obviously, when they first authorize Free Music Circle on facebook, if needed, an Ulternix Records account is first created for them and they will be automatically singed into the Ulternix Records web application and Free Music Circle automatically by that account (whose email address will be the same as the user's email address of their facebook account) and all the recommendations the user gains, will be still assigned to the Ulternix Records account.
A user can first log into Ulternix Records special promotion program web application at /SPPMembers/ and later log into facebook and invite their friends with different facebook accounts and in the end, all the recommendations gathered will be assigned to the Ulternix Records user account. In such cases, the user will be able to see by which facebopok account they have gathered those recommendations.
If a user is logged into the special promotion program web application at /SPPMembers/ first and later browse Free Music Circle application on facebook, they are notified that they are using different accounts in the system.

Can I use different facebook accounts to recommend Ulternix Records music to different friends of mine and add to my recommendations?

YES! of curse.
In such cases, the system will show you by which facebook account you have gathered those recommendations.
Remember as mentioned above, the recommendations gathered are always assigned to the Ulternix Records account by which you have been logged in. And as mentioned above, any of the authentication methods (either OpenID or Ulternix Records account) ends up with the creation of an Ulternix Records account, which will be used to manage recommendations and download tickets.
So you can log into the system and later invite different friends by different facebook IDs and add to your recommendations and download more songs and albums.

Can I use Free Music Circle on facebook with my different facebook accounts but gather recommendations for just one of them?

Yes, you can.
In order to do so, first log out from the special promtion program web app at www.Ulternix-Records.com/SPPMembers/ and then log back into it using the facebook account that you want to gather all the recommendations by.
Later, after liking the pages and inviting your friends, log out from facebook and log back in using your other facebook ID and then start using Free Music Circle but your new facebook ID and all the recommendations you gather will be assigned to the first facebook ID by which you logged in for the first time.
As a general hint, all the recommendations gathered are assigned to the Ulternix Records account by which you have loged into the special promotion program web app. Therefore, when you log out from the web app and log back in with your first facebook account, all the recommendations will be assigned to your first facebook account.

Do I have to like your facebook pages by "Free Music Circle facebook app" or at http://www.Ulternix-records.com/SPPMembers/LikeUsOnFacebook.aspx in order to add to my recommendations? What if I unlike your pages later?

No matter you like or unlike our facebook pages while you are browsing through Free Music Circle pages or at www.Ulternix-records.com/SPPMembers/LikeUsOnFacebook.aspx or any other pages on the Internet, the recommendations you gain through liking or unlinking such pages are recalculated every time you use Free Music Circle on facebook or browse www.Ulternix-records.com/SPPMembers/LikeUsOnFacebook.aspx.
In other words, if you have gained recommendations by liking our pages and later you unlike those pages after closing down your web browser, you will lose your gathered recommendations the next time you use any web pages of Free Music Circle or when you browse www.Ulternix-records.com/SPPMembers/LikeUsOnFacebook.aspx. On the other hand, if you have already liked our pages on facebook, you automatically gain the recommendations you deserve as soon as you browse the web pages of Free Music Circle or when you browse www.Ulternix-records.com/SPPMembers/LikeUsOnFacebook.aspx, and you will be able to convert the gathered recommendations into download tickets right away.

On the other hand, you only gather recommendations ONCE for liking our facebook pages with one facebook account regardless of the Ulternix Records account by which you have logged in.

Why are some of the recommendations omitted from the list of my recommendations in Member's Dashboard or Free Music Circle App On Facebook? How is each recommendation email processed?

Users can not gain recommendations by inviting those email addresses to which a recommendation has been made by any other user (despite the invitation email may actually be sent).

In the same way, when inviting your facebook friends, users will gain recommendations only for those facebook friends that have NOT yet joined the program by either singing up in Special Promotion Program web app or authorize Free Music Circle app on facebook (despite the invitation may actually be sent again).

If the email address of the invitee can't be verified, the recommendation will be marked for deletion right away without any messages even though it might be shown in the list of recommendations before an attempt is made to send its email.
If an error occurs at the time of sending the email to a valid email address (e.g. when the email address is valid but the email box is full), sending the email will be retried for at most 5 times and after that if there's no luck to send the email, the recommendation will be marked for deletion. Then the invitations will enter the processing queue.
Processing the recommendations might take some time (up to 24 hours!) and if at any time, a delivery error email is sent or bounced back to our servers, the recommendations that have been gathered and earned by the corresponding recommendation email will be reduced from the inviting user. Such recommendation are marked for deletion as well and they are not shown in the list of recommendations! And that's why your gathered recommendations are dynamic thru time and may change, if there's an error with the email addresses you have entered.
The number of bounced or returned or rejected invitations are saved for each member and later they "could" be referred to as a criterion to find spam-producing users. Clearly, we don't want to produce spam or false email traffic!

On the other hand, Ulternix Records may, at its sole discretion, decide to prohibit certain domain names or email addresses from the Special Promotion Program, which results in the users not being able to send recommendation emails to such addresses or domain names.
At any point of time, if Ulternix Records finds out that emails have been sent to non-existing, fraudulent, fake or hard-to-reach addresses or domain names, the recommendations gathered by such emails may be reduced from users' recommendations and such recommendations may be eliminated and the user accounts abusing the system may also be disabled permanently.

The gathered Special Promotion Program recommendations of some of the invitations I had sent, have been changed. What is the reason of that?

To realize the answer of this question in a better way, please refer to invitation email processing method. The invitation email of such cases may have been bounced back to our servers and that's why you may have lost the recommendations you had gathered through them.

Can the status of releases and their relationship to the Special Promotion Program change?

Yes. We may decide to exclude a release from the Special Promotion Program so that no more new download tickets can be created for it (previously-created tickets will not be changed or disabled). In other words, we might start selling the releases instead of presenting them for free at any time.
We may also bring non-Special Promotion Program releases into the program so that the members of the program can start downloading them for free.
These decisions are merely made by us according to the feedbacks and situations that we will face.
Read the complete terms and conditions of the Special Promotion Program for more info.

How can I create my download tickets after gathering Special Promotion Program Recommendations?

If you have gathered enough Special Promotion Program Recommendations to create the download ticket of a free Special Promotion Program Release, you can log into the web-based Special Promotion Program system and create your download tickets on your choice.
Those who authorize Free Music Circle App On Facebook without logging into the special promotion program web app can create their download tickets by clicking on the related hyperlinks in the "Download Free Songs!" tab.
After the creation of the download tickets, the required SPP Recommendations of the selected release will be reduced from your gathered SPP Recommendations and a permanent download ticket will be created for you, by which you can download the release in ZIP format from our servers.
The ZIP file includes 192kbps MP3 files and may contain the CD layouts in JPG format.
You can also create download tickets for individual songs which will be downloaded as individual 128kbps MP3 files.
Please note that the download tickets are permanent but there are dynamic download limitations applied so that you can only download the releases for a limited number of times in each period, e.g. 2 times during each month etc...

In What Format Can I Download Music in the Special Promotion Program or via Free Music Circle on facebook?

Individual songs can be downloaded as 128kpbs MP3 files.
Full alsbums/singles can be downloaded as individual zip files with password that contain 192kbps MP3 files and cover layouts.

Can I use download managers to download the releases?

The downloads from our servers can be resumed, however, it does not mean that it's a good idea to use download managers. We don't recommend using them because they usually try multi-part downloads by default and it results in multiple download requests for the same file being sent to the server. Usually these requests are served independently and might be considered as independent downloads, resulting in limits being exceeded, so using download managers is not recommended by us.

I did not manage to download my files but I receive the message that I have exceeded my download limit. Why has it happened?

Our system is designed so that it registers your download at the beginning of the download process so even if your download is not completed because of any reason, it is assumed that it has been completed. Please note that we had to design it so to avoid sharing the download ticket URLs. If you have not managed to download your file and the system says so, please contact us to check the issue.

Is there any download limitation after a download ticket is created?

Yes, there is. To ensure that the accounts and hyperlinks are not shared by the members, we have restricted the maximum number of downloads in each month. This maximum number may be changed without notice. In fact Ulternix Records wants to encourage fans to promote its artists not to "indirectly let them share the releases".

May the Special Promotion Program Recommendations required to download releases or acquired by registering releases change in future?

Yes, they might but it does not affect your gathered SPP Recommendations.
For example, we might increase the SPP Recommendations of CD registrations for a special release at Christmas time to encourage people to register them and get more Recommendations but after that time the SPP Recommendations of the CD registrations may be returned to their normal value but the SPP Recommendations of the members who have registered their copies of that album during Christmas will not be changed!
The same thing might happen to the required SPP Recommendations of a Special Promotion Program. For example the required SPP Recommendations of an album might be reduced  in order to help the members who have less SPP Recommendations download them in special times like the Christmas or after a long time has passed since its release.

I have bought a registrable CD but it does not come with the Special Promotion Program ID. What should I do in order to be able to register it and earn its Special Promotion Program Recommendations?

First of all, we apologize for this inconvenience. We try our best to avoid this situation but the final result is sometimes out of our control and during the production of the CDs, some might be missed to carry the special promotion ID.
We simply make it up to you! If you have bought a registrable CD which does not come with its Special Promotion ID, send us a copy of your purchase invoice to and we'll email you back your unique ID!
Please note that the scanned or electronic version of the invoice in standard formats like PDF, JPG or GIF will be OK.

Can I share my download ticket URLs?

One of the reasons we have designed this whole program is to prevent you from sharing our productions but letting your have them for free by helping us promote our music.
As we have mentioned in our Copyright Protection Plea, we really need your help and support so we seriously encourage you to save your time, precious bandwidth and 3rd party server resources and instead of zipping, uploading and  sharing our productions with your friends on the Internet illegally, you do it legally by simply inviting them to our Special Promotion Program and spend some time to help us!
Yes, we give you free music if you only (at least) spend some time for us and use your address book to help us promote our artists!
It should be a fair bargain, shouldn't it?

Many unwanted emails have been sent from Special Promotion Program members to us. How can we stop them?

Ulternix Records Special Promotion Program has been designed so that each email address can only be used once either for being invited or being used to sign up. However, the members can re-send the invitation emails for at most 5 times to the addresses that have not opted out yet. That's because some invitation emails might be missed or considered as spam and the members might need to re-send the invitation emails more than once but it does not mean that we help the generation of spam emails, since the re-sending process can be repeated for a limited number of times.
If you click on the Opt Out URL at the bottom of the invitation or promotional emails and you choose to opt out, you will not receive any invitation or promotional emails from Ulternix website any more.
In each invitation email, we include the details and the confirmed email address of the inviting user so if you want to report a special user for generating spam, use our contact form and include the email address of the supposedly-malicious user.

I opted out of Ulternix promotional or invitation emails but I'm still receiving newsletter emails. How can I stop it?

Unsubscribing from our newsletter and opting out of the reception of promotional/invitation emails are different and their instructions and URLs are provided for you separately. Consequently, if you choose to unsubscribe from our newsletter, you will not receive any newsletters from us but still may receive promotional or invitation emails unless you opt out and choose not to receive any promotional/invitation emails any more.

I unsubscribed from Ulternix email newsletter but I'm still receiving promotional or invitation emails. How can I stop it?

Unsubscribing from our newsletter and opting out of the reception of promotional/invitation emails are different and their instructions and URLs are provided for you separately. Consequently, if you choose to unsubscribe from our newsletter, you will not receive any newsletters from us but still may receive promotional or invitation emails unless you opt out and choose not to receive any promotional/invitation emails any more.
Simply click on the opt-out URL provided at the end of the invitation or promotional emails and you will be able to stop receiving such emails in future.